Thursday, May 31, 2007

Nh Media Audition 2010


is no alarm ... but I checked and it's true ... CANTV (the red, red) is blocking access to sites such as and can not ABA sign in if you have the reason ... completely unknown, the company that provides this service has not delivered no official statement, but we know what the "REAL" Mr. not seem strange to me that this government has shown that it is a totalitarian government and outlaws.
users I think we should form a committee of users of ABA and report it to the legal authorities, as is done ... NO .. but I leave the idea for those who know ....
is sad to know that more and more our freedom is fading ... there is still time to do something that is not too late ...!!!!


can see here

UPDATE: MIN at 1:32 am on 01/06/2007 UNLOCK but STILL LOCKED

Pass later that no one at home ...!!! Come in

Monday, May 28, 2007

Symptoms Of Pregnancy Sensitive

Silence .....!!!! Undress

That tendrermos to do to regain what we lost?
missing many things we see and do before you reach the exit?

Pass later that no one at home ...!!! Come in

Monday, May 21, 2007

How Many Ccs In One Syringe

...... DO IT FOR ME

Undress Undress me slowly slowly
s very good job here I see you naked
your pride and your pride Show yourself
banal woman like you Nude

indeed your chest like a flower
buttoned Fill feelings of affection and love that woman
denudata feverish body
Love me slowly with your soul naked young

crimson red lips Kiss
natural for me I love you
Get naked and vicious penalties
Rejoice ties and smiles that life is never hard

Nude affection, do it with me
Fear not tomorrow, we will live
Get naked woman you want to find
be my loving wife, my
happy future

Pass later that no one is home ...!!! Come in

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Fee Std Testing Jerseycity

Grab this pearl ...!!! SAY NO MORE ..... HAPPY

can confirm in ....

that will happen in this country ...?????????

Pass later that no one at home ...!!! Come in

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Activia Turns Stool Dark Brown


MAMA .... as I love you ...!!!!!!
for her your day .....
and all the other mothers who are with us, even those who live in the memories ......... CONGRATULATIONS and THANKS ........... MOTHERS SARS ....!!!!!

PD: mama you're famous these online ...!!!!

Pass later that no one at home ...!!! Come in

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Wood For A Boat Interior



Pass later that no one at home ...!!!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Sample Seminar Prayers

The medical outcome and the story ...

First GRACIASSSSSSSSS to all who were awaiting me, thanks for your sympathy and attention, but they had not told regarding my status health, because the junior doctor who attended, it was he who ordered me the scans I saw the results when he said: - Well these lymph nodes are careful, you'd better go to a surgical oncologist to take a sample ... . - You can imagine my face ... ponchadisimooooooo. I said .. coooooooo the carman is fucked ... iirrgaaa only child ... as I tell my mae and mi pae?, verrr… apenas me acabo de casar, yo quería volver a la soltería.. Estar libre… pero no era esto lo planeado… mierrr…. Pobre cuaimita mía que aun no es mamá, Me imagino pelon por la quimio…, bue… lo único es que rebajaré por fin… no joooo… todo por el cigarro e verrrga …. , pensé muchísimas cosas… rece más que el papa, le pedí a todo bicho que salga en una estampita…., me sentí preocupadísimo… y tenía que esconder mi cara de mortificao para no alarmar en casa…, total que pasaron varios días hasta que fui al especialista en cuestión… y en menos de 10 min… después de palparme all nodes in the neck, I said ... "do not have a COOO, andate calm shit, pal ... and I said .. -Yes but this ... and the results of the tests? - I said - not peers is nothing .. Pluck it out of your head ... !!!!! and if you are still worried .. Come in a month with all new tests ... - I think that in a month back for siaaaaaaaa ... but I'm happy that I have not yet confirmed for the flight beyond .... Thank God, thanks to all the heavenly entourage thank you for asking ...
PS clarified there was no prostate exam ...!! Fly ...!

Pass later that no one at home ...!!! Come in

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Waxing Products Watson

Enough ...!!!! Blah Blah Blah Pa

Enough philosophies, doctrines, theological or political, social patterns, economic, legal, enough with the speeches, oracles, leaders, promises and rallies, Enough of mathematical formulas, scientific, cognitive, enough of such search to be happy, if we have the recipe there.


That would be simple if all we did well ... .!!!!

Pass later that no one at home ...!!! Come in