Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bushnell Trophy Trs 25

Reds 12 years, Rojitas ... Violence

Venezuelan society has been suffering from the scourge of violence, murder, kidnapping, robbery, among others, have been lurking for citizens, inferring traumas in our lives and in many cases marked for ever, all directly or indirectly we are victims of violence because we are exposed to it without exception, in Venezuela this phenomenon has many years this, in 1998 when Chavez won the elections, there were 4 000 550 homicides and the end of 2009 there were just over 16 thousand deaths , which shows an alarming increase, every year thousands of Venezuelans lost their lives in the hands of the underworld, thousands of families lost a loved one and many more that are victim of violence in other forms.
The national government should guarantee the life of its citizens, it is your responsibility to control and reduce this evil scourge, in the 12 years of this current administration, we have seen the announcement of thousands of security plans, to come to ride public transportation in the military, remember "Safe Route Plan," but none of this has served more than ever people are afraid when they have to take a bus such as covering Valencia-Pto. Cabello; have failed for lack of will and skill, it's unfortunate that it has become clear that this revolutionary government there are other things more important than the safety of their fellow citizens.
The complex phenomenon of violence has many facets, components, social, cultural, economic, political but also a lot we need to confront this with an efficient judiciary, who diligently resolve and decide on the accused, a prosecutor to investigate with standard scientific and objective manner without legal privilege to anyone, some security forces that are worthy of public trust to allow the joint work between them, they know they are serving this to protect and assist them with respect, a responsible citizen education of their children, they understand that without values or family will not have a peaceful society, there are many elements to reduce the underworld, but to eradicate the rectory is in the hands of the National Executive, unfortunately this has proven to be inefficient, we Venezuelans must understand that these governments are there in office that most of us decided that we could, and in particular to the scheme, the Venezuelan people gave him all the power that this called for us to quickly resolve the most basic problems that affect us as it is this violence, but unfortunately did not use the power to bring us more security on the contrary, after twelve years has deepened the violence problem, I think lack of control and independence of powers, the obsession with force us to be in a society that we are not the corrupt greed to enrich themselves at the expense of everything he lost the compass of this government that smells of rot, we must regain control of citizens and try through the instruments of law and restore balance to this country institutions, to transform a society of justice and peace, where the goal is progress and welfare for everyone, only we dare to change, continue to build on unit.
"If a man needed to hold the State, that State should not exist, and the end does not exist" (Simón Bolívar) Come in

that no one at home ...!!! Come in

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Chest X Ray Says Infiltrate

In the past when a messenger was giving a press release, this was liable to severe punishment and even death if it represented misfortunes or was not pleased powerful masters of the reigns, as if the punishment or the removal of messenger would change reality and fate of these rulers.

This custom "Troglodiana" is still applied and even in some cases without adaptation to modern times, these totalitarian autocrats find it very difficult to manage their own mistakes and in his usual outbursts of anger, their mistakes, they are charged to third parties for the "alleged" relief of conscience, taking the brunt almost always the sad messenger, these rulers troglodytes believe that is why the problem was resolved and the governed acquitted him of all responsibility for all eternity.

is very difficult to a Cave of these sick and absent from duty to accept their own faults, and the criticism of friends and strangers, with the ultimate goal is merely the correction of mistakes made, In a system Democratic criticism is necessary because it allows to see the errors that often do not reveal flattering and dissent Intellectual find different formulas to solve a single problem, but it's hard to tolerate those who cling to power, and that whatever his opinion is contrary to reason destabilizing always think that MIGHT get them out of power, and so with these diseases of paranoia and psychosis as "good government?

totalitarian Governments, the more abuses of civil rights, while imposing more restrictions on free thought, are more backward, but paradoxically are also weaker, can not govern using terror and fear of governed without sooner or later get a reaction liberating always ends dethroning these "Troglodítios" for more submissive to be a people always hear a brave voice of dissent, to request a halt to the ongoing abuses, and even more shout loudly when asked Liberty, then it is easier to these bestial rulers kill the messenger, that does not spread the message conspirator.

In this modern age, globalized, digitized, computerized, many messengers, various forms of expression that gives us these technologies, bringing us closer to each other, this allows us to communicate better and better more effective and immediate , Radio, Newspapers, Television and above Internet is the natural trenches for free thought, criticism and protest, but even more social networks are a real power in development for citizens, where they "freely" express directly and without intermediaries, their views and ideas at the moment this happens, opinions that are viewed by other citizens anywhere in the world, enabling real-time information about what is happening or thought across the globe hemisphere. Tanta

seems that communication and information is a kind of "COCO" evil monster that eats children, but in this case devours Rulers Abusers, militaristic, totalitarian and especially Dictators, information, knowledge and hunger are subversive to these nefarious government systems, these tyrants are not interested in an educated, cultured and informed as that conspires against him, and the first thing I look for these schemes is to control the media then go unabated in his evil control all the way to the very thought of individual citizens, they use fear, repression and control instruments, punish a few to instantiate, warning others what can happen if dare to think or act freely, provided these dark governments of abuse and terror eliminate as many messengers leaving only those who spread messages their pleasure or convenience, but the light of all this gloom of abusive control is in our hands, our thoughts and in our hearts, man is determinedly self and history is full of examples where we always beat Freedom Oppression and only delay what the peoples, citizens and you want to delay, each day there will be more people in freedom, just prepare yourself and educate yourself so well managed that precious freedom.

Pass later that no one at home ...!!! Come in

Monday, July 5, 2010

Shield For Honda Civic

Kill the Messenger What Independence?

Today July 5 Independence had not to celebrate, when we are facing a permissive government, sellout and traitor that has allowed the entry of foreigners to occupy strategic positions in the nation that should be under the direction and execution of us Venezuelans, Cubans of Castro-Communism are all sides, so it has become clear in the case of PDVAL in the FAN in Bolipuerto, Barrio Adentro and many other areas, as recently reported that some 600 Cubans are working in Plantacentro, all these posts that should be in the hands of fellow Venezuelan hurts their land, their effort is to support their families, working to leave a better future for their children, in this Country where so many needs abound, where people want decent jobs, is a slap to see these Cubans, Venezuelans should be us, the Bolivar and Miranda effort to free ourselves from the English yoke, we can not betray our country to deliver to Cuba or any other nation, we urge the Venezuelan people to reject this gross invasion promoted by the national government itself, this country does not want to Cuba, in this country are eager to dream about the future, to have progress, to live in dignity, to achieve a better country for future generations, we want a state that respects private property to promote economic growth, jobs and services quality that all Venezuelans can have decent housing and a future for their children, education and many opportunities exist for all in a framework of respect and justice for the city, you have to give one for this government to be created to own all ourselves, we invite our family and friends so that together we give a twist to these 12 years of corrupt, backward and red rojito disaster, this 26Sep. Let's go vote for this government simply tell .!!!, and respect your children, your country and ourselves have the power to change this 26sep we leave everyone to vote.

As Francisco de Miranda said one day "TYRANNY DIE ... .. VIVA LA LIBERTAD"

Pass later that no one at home ...!!! Come in

Friday, June 25, 2010

Maps Of A Hous For D&d

The third time's the charm ..!!! Google also

Dusting my blog again, to relieve human need to express fool the world what you think and want, I decided to try again to spice up my blog , not so relaxed that they once again sought the cheeky comedy of everyday situations, now much more concerned about everything that happens in my environment, it is inevitable obvious, and is a must scream, as joking when the future that is at stake, we are in the field, in a fierce media war, among other fronts, we militarized the country, and now we are all soldiers, from different sides, but soldiers finally managing thinking rationally and coolly weapons strategies, now more than ever we must say after 12 years we must change, why dare to participate there is no room for fear, laziness or apathy, it must be said in any way and through any medium, Venezuela Calls for a change and we are his children we must take the step to attempt it.
I hope to feed this blog with anything that causes me and how I please, for the third time's the charm ...!!

Pass later that no one at home ...!!! Come in