Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fireplace Gas Starters

INT/314/2011 Order of 1 February on private security companies.

INT/314/2011 Order of 1 February on private security companies.

Article 11. Vehicles transporting explosives and metal cartridge factory.

1. Subject to compliance with any other applicable requirements in accordance with established in the legislation of management of road transport and, especially, in Royal Decree 551/2006, of May 5, by regulating the transport operations of dangerous goods by road in English territory, the vehicles engaged in the transport of explosives and metal cartridge factory must meet the following requirements:

a) Safety:

1. No vehicle locking system, consisting of a mechanism such that, when activated directly (by push button ) or indirectly (by opening the cabin doors, without disabling the system), cut the fuel injection motor vehicle and activate an audible alarm and bright. This system should be a delay between activation and action of two minutes.

2. º A metal grid inside the tube of the fuel supply tank of the vehicle, to prevent the introduction of foreign elements.

3. No system of protection of the fuel tank, in accordance with paragraphs i) j) of Article 10.

4. No special Close the vehicle body, by a padlock or safety lock.

b) Signalling: Panel

outside the cab roof of the vehicle with the requirements specified in Annex II.

The Directorate General of Police and Civil Guard, Civil Guard field, may waive the requirement of this requirement in special circumstances for safety reasons.

c) Communications:

vehicles have a fixed telephone in the same facility, capable of communication with headquarters or offices of the company as well as the storage of mobile Operations Centers Services of the constituencies of the Commands Civil Guard by circulating transport.

The antenna will be installed and properly protected at the top of the vehicle body and must have a global navigation system that allows the control center of the carrier the location of their vehicles accurately and in all time.

2. The requirements described above must be inspected by the Civil Guard in time their departure requested, must be satisfied that the vehicle meets these requirements in the guide service or similar document accompanying the consignment.

3. Sin perjuicio de que los vehículos de transporte de explosivos y cartuchería metálica reúnan las condiciones anteriormente señaladas, cuando las circunstancias lo requieran, a juicio de la Guardia Civil se podrá exigir que los transportes de dichas materias sean acompañados por servicio de escolta, público o privado, en cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el Reglamento de Explosivos.


Panel de señalización de vehículos de transporte de explosivos


Dimensiones del recuadro: 110 × 60 cm.

Background: White.

Paint: Fluorescent.


Legend EX: Explosives.

4725-ZZZ: Vehicle registration.


Color: Black.

Paint: Fluorescent.

Size: 20 x 10 cm.


thickness 2 cm.

spacing: 10 cm.

Distance between characters: 2 cm.


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