Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Doujin Moe Premium Accounts


Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands on 21/04/2011

Resolution of the Minister of Environment and Mobility of day April 15, 2011, which are called tests to obtain or renew a certificate of professional qualification of safety advisers for the transport of dangerous goods by road.

Submission of applications: 15 business days
The tests were held the following days:

Month of May 26th. Mode of transport Road (Renewal)

16.00 h. - Class 1

17.00 h. - Class 7

Day 27. Mode of transport by road (Renewal)

16.00 h. - Flammable liquids (1202, 1203, 1223, 3475.1268 and


17.00 h. - Class 2

Day 30. Mode of transport by road (Renewal)

16.00 h. - Comprehensive review

17.00 h. - Subtraction classes (3 to 9)

Day 31. Mode of transport by road (Collection)

16.00 h. - Comprehensive review

18.00 h. - Class 7


Day 1. Mode of transport by road (Collection)

16.00 h. - Flammable liquids (1202, 1203, 1223, 3475.1268 and


18.00 h. - Class 2

Day 2. Mode of transport by road (Collection)

16.00 h. - Subtraction classes (3 to 9)

18.00 h. - Class 1

Monday, April 25, 2011

Driver For Enter Tv Tuner E210

film. Humor in the Film.

Over Film So far, either in handbills, in this blog or scrawled in notebooks or sheets of paper I have been drawn (I apologize for the appropriation of that word) vignettes were related to the Cinematheque de Sant Joan d'Alacant and movies that have been projected. Only say that the Film is an excuse to force a draw and that if not for it continue drawing the Christmas greeting cards for family and little else.

When opened the facebook group I made this vignette in which figured all components of the Cinematheque (Javi, Toni, Ruzafa and I). At that time, Isabel Coixet had brand new maps of the Sounds of Tokyo, and we were doing Conas with sounding titles as the above was spent. Indeed, the sentence is Ruzafa Coixet. Other titles were funny: "duedeno Map Mahori and trauma of the sheep-barking" "The Loneliness of the pancreas hieratic II (the return)," "The intimate and melancholic love anal between Sanchez Drago and brush the water "," Guti is a babe TOTAL REVOLUTION vol. 3 and the things of love, "" The unreal silence of a chainsaw feminist "and " The selling of flats with orthodontic Buddhist feels constipated.

wrong door and reaches the bonfires of San Juan. cartoon published in the playbill of Nightmare Before Christmas . It shows Jack Skellington burning in a bonfire of the festival of San Juan. The 3 individuals in the lower right are caricatures of Cinematheque members seen by JMT From left to right are Javier Ballesteros, Antonio Christopher and Antonio Ruzafa. The one below left is Joan of Arc burned at the stake dying. The Passion of Joan of Arc Dreyer opened the 2 nd edition of the Film Archive and the bullet also he pays tribute. _______________________________________

3 Tips to avoid dying in a war movie. The uniforms worn by characters refer the film was projected that week: "First Council
belonging to All Quiet on the front German uniforms with the 1 st GM.
-Second Council of Paths of Glory with French uniforms of the 1 st GM.
-Third Board Apocalypse Now Redux with American clothing Vietnam War. The council also would apply to horror films in which African players are also usually the same fate. ____________________________________________

A story "almost" of violence. 1 st bullet point that I drew for the Film. Satirizes one of the first scenes A History of Violence David Cronenberg. People did not understand, is also a reference to the famous scene from the horse's head Coppola's The Godfather. _____________________________________

Two cartoons were published in Hand programs Cycle "We are not alone" dedicated to the extraterrestrial. In the first "Gort helped by Espinete" parody is a little cutrez Gort costume. And the "Ranking ..." showing the four types of aliens in the cycle. At No. 4, the little elves urgently to Encounters of the Third Kind , in the 3 º Gort Day the Earth , in the 2 nd place the character of Donald Sutherland in Invasion of the Body Snatchers and last but first the dog Thing. ________________________________________________

other 2 bullets, they related with Cycle "Media" . The first parody the famous scene Network Sidney Lumet and final appointing two of the most popular television producers in recent times in English television , José Luís Moreno and Emilio Aragón. The other poster mocks film The People vs. Larry Flynt and is due to U.S. censured him for using Christian iconography in a film showing the history of American pornography. So much so that had to be changed by another poster, the flag over her mouth to Larry Flynt. Which incidentally is also very sarcastic. _______________________________________________

Two other bullets. These dedicated al ciclo de "Reglas Sociales". La primera hace referencia a Match Point de Woody Allen, en ella aparecen el protagonista, Jonahtan Rhys Meyer, leyendo el libro de Crimen y Castigo de Dostoievski y dándole un beso a su mujer, Emily Mortimer.  La Scarlett a la que hacen referencia no creo que haga falta decirlo. La segunda es un chiste muy viejo y hace referencia a La Regla del Juego de Renoir, de ahí la escena de caza y la separación entre señoritos y criados.


Ni se te ocurra leer la viñeta si have not seen the Apu films contains several spoilers here do not wiggle.


Two bullets I did at the same time the first of Isabel Coixet and Maps of film sound Tokyo. In the first, I must admit that the idea is not mine, but I read a cartoon in a newspaper and I liked it, I can not remember what film cited in the original version. The second vignette is an eschatological kidding, but there it is. __________________________________________

Conversation perfectly real and merosímil Peeping Tom Michael Powell . If it were not the main character crazier than the armpit of a real snake would be an idol.


The series "New German Cinema was a discovery for everyone. I would stress above all a matching element in the four films shown. The strength of the main characters. Aguirre, Oskar and Maria Braun are not just actors, but they are also history. And what about Tom Ripley, for his misdeeds have been written 5 books and not least the big-screen adaptations have been filmed. In your shoes have gotten Alain Delon, Dennis Hopper, Matt Damon and John Malkovich. The definition of cynicism (or brazen impudence in lying or defense reprehensible attitudes and practice), clearly reflects these four individuals. Both
Aguirre, the Wrath of God as The Tin Drum there are accounts of 1 to 10. In the first, they cut the head off a soldier on the orders of Aguirre said the number 10 when the head is on the ground. In The Tin Drum, Oskar count from 1 to 10 and pulled down the stairs by a physical act justifying the stagnation of growth.
Finally, Oskar and Aguirre are my two favorites and they will dedicated the bullet. They are despicable characters with ID, but also inspire me pity and sympathy. ____________________________________

Another unlikely showdown between the character of El Laberinto del Fauno and Mr. Potato. The cartoon I was not enthusiastic, but it was the most liked people. _________________________________

At the beginning of the fourth edition of the Film Library began with a cycle called "Rebels of black American cinema of the 50's." titles seem pretty suggestive and made the first cartoon that was published in the labor program Dangerous Hands. The others are the typical joke "opens the curtain ..." For lack of space, and not actually have anything to do with the movies, these three bullets still remain unpublished.

Scene Dangerous Hands, the protagonist reads in the newspaper Information, which includes all our progamación Monday in their cultural agenda, the titles of movies that put . Next in order of projection the following riddles.

Uncle allegedly trying to look like Richard Widmark. If you do not know what it means when you will surely find proctology it is too late.

I can not imagine a more deadly kiss. All diseases that ugly guy is injected transmitted by saliva, and rats, dogs, animals and ticks are most easily spread disease when they bite.

Bullet blog published a related article Mulholland Drive David Lynch . For 9 years, Lynch published in a newspaper comic strip "The mad dog of the world." Pre Eraserhead, Lynch underwent therapy, but found no better than draw this cartoon and pour his anger on her. What would the mad dog of the world if he criticized David Lynch? _______________________________________

X's character in Last year at Marienbad was an inspiration.

The weary of Marienbad. So all the time. Sometimes just want to strangle a male protagonist of the movie, like who chose the soundtrack consists of a church organ playing insistently. The tenth bullet refers to Groundhog Day (1993) in which Bill Murray lived held on the same day, Groundhog Day.

Bullet references. Mixture of two completely different titles and movies. The characters in Last Year at Marienbad, A, X and M involved in the teen slasher I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997). Here the vengeful murderer with a hook in the hand becomes the man (M) of Marienbad in the hand and take the photo (or what should be drawing a picture if I knew) that appears in Marienbad showing that last year had a love affair the other two.

wrestling between the two characters. Given that Pepe Le Pew / Pepe Pepe the skunk or Glamour, according to the report of each, was created in 1945 ... "Would regard it as inspiration for Alain Robbe-Grillet (writer Last year at Marienbad , 1961)? By the way, Pepe won an Oscar for best animated short in 1949 by history For sentimental reasons. _____________________________________

Lubitch Chaplin and using all his bad baba, but the character of Charlot only thing you care about are the boots of Hitler, yes, putting his trip Lubitch both the bullet as in his magnificent be or not be. ____________________________________________

MASH (marijuana, alcohol, sex and humor). Robert Altman was a great supporter and consumer of marijuana (he was a member of the board of the National Organization for the Reform of the Laws of mariuana), besides being a heavy drinker until his health suffered. In the cartoon, the character of Elliott Gould writes remedies to cope with life in the camp. At various points in the film we see people smoking joints, drinking martinis and having sexual escapades. A curious anecdote is that Donald Sutherland mistook the smell of marijuana smoke with special effects. In a sign post next to the camp fund names are read and Elda Alicante, where are the members of the Film Archive and the name San Juan, Sant Joan d'Alacant. _____________________________________________

Chabrol and Rohmer
study Hitch. If you have the opportunity to read both in the studies made for the journal Cahiers du Cinema will see that the word "metaphysical" like a fool rather than a pencil. Touching the master pedant. Hitchcock is mounted on a train for the cycle put Vanishes . ____________________________________________

Last bullet of the year. The protagonist of The unfaithful wife can not be more stupid. ! Look to remain indifferent ... Stephan Audran in a nightgown!

__________________________________ 30 bullets in total. I hope you liked the doodles. Let's see if now and the start of the Fifth Edition of the Film Archive of Sant Joan d'Alacant learn to draw and keep a little more regularly, drawing a bullet for every film. Anyway, see you soon.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Im Pregnant And Have A Bowel Infection

Film Festival XI Sant Joan d'Alacant.

The Film Festival of Sant Joan that this 2011, has received a total of 320 short listed, 29 of them selected to compete for prizes of their XI National Short Film Competition to be held from 9 and 15 April next.

On 12, 13 and April 14 will screen the 29 films selected for competition in competitive sections (Section Officer, Meeting Point and Panorama Formative) in its three official sites: Casa de Cultura de Sant Joan, Alicante Club-INFORMATION and Studies Center Ciudad de la Luz (Alicante).

Projections Calendar

Tuesday, 12 April . Projections at 20:00 the Casa de Cultura de Sant Joan and 21.30 in Club-INFORMATION of Alicante. FREE ENTRY.

First session of screening of short films in competition:
Official Selection. Animation and Valencia: "Bye dad, bye Mom" \u200b\u200bby Luis Soravilla, "Something is "Ana Lorenz," Love "by Elizabeth Herguera," The journey of Mary "by Miguel Gallardo," La Bruxa "Pedro Solís García," The Street of the West twins "Marc Riba y Anna Solanas, Los Supermartínez "David Simon Valero," Mr.. Trance. A day in the Ministry "of Veneras Ruiz Valerio," Everything is a family "and Luis Fabra" Vicenta "Sam Orti Marti.

Wednesday 13 April. Proyecciones to the 20:00 in the House of Culture Sant Joan and 21.30 in Club-INFORMATION of Alicante. also at 12:00 in the Auditorium Luis García Berlanga Studies Center of the City of Light. FREE ENTRY.

Second session of screening of short films in competition:
Section Meeting Point (Film Schools and Universities): "hot beds" of Lluc Güell and Paula Morelló (ESCAC), "Caragol treu banya" Jaume Carrio (CESAG), "Down Another Day" by Michelangelo Arbona Sastre (ICC), "The sex you Clouds" by William Alvarez Chai (ESCAC), "The Canvas" Jaime Serrano (CECC), "Words" de Emilio Alonso (Tai), "Without words" Bel Armenteros (MACE) and "Vite. Ma non troppo "Tables of Jesus Silva (EACINE).
Section Panorama Formation: "Awakening" by Enrique Pérez Martínez (IES Luis García Berlanga) and "Popcorn" by Oscar Santamaría Gomes (IES Politécnico Las Palmas).

Jueves 14 April. Proyecciones for 20:00 in the Casa de Cultura de Sant Joan and 21.30 in Club-INFORMATION of Alicante. FREE ENTRY.

Third and final session of screening of short films in Competition.
Official Selection: "When I run" Mikel Rueda, "The award of Leon Siminiani," The order of things " Cesar and José Esteban Alenda, "Tango of the Condor" John Raigada, "Exitus 2 - Albacete 0" Diego Arjona, "Hemisphere" by Luis M ª Fernández and Alejandro abolished, "Reflections of a doorknob" Carlos Crespo Arnold, "What goes up" of Peris Romano del Pino " A boyfriend of shit "by Borja Cobeaga.

More information here leave a link to the official website of the Festival with the full program. We hope you like it.

The Film.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

How Does A Business License Look


Gazette de Castilla y León 06/04/2011. pdf ORDER

FOM/354/2011, 14 March, which are called tests for obtaining the certificate of professional qualification of safety advisers for the transport of dangerous goods by road as well as for the renewal of certificates of competency entitling the person concerned to exercise the functions of director of security in relation to the transport of dangerous goods by road

1. ª - Renewing
May 28, 2011
2. ª - Renovation and access
October 22, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Treatment For Sore Feet From Basketball

Notes on the trilogy "Three Colors" Krzysztof Kieslowski: cameos and other curiosities.

Warning: If you have not seen the 3 films of which we speak is advisable that you see to appreciate some of the details are noted below. Also reveal some important plot.

Kieslowski's funny how the 3 intertwined stories making their characters appear in another film of the trilogy. These are small details that will please the most attentive viewer. Then, next to put some interesting cameos on this trilogy.

From top to bottom, frames, Blue, White and Red.

3 deliveries appears in the older person pulling a glass to a recycling bin. In Blue Julie's character looks at the situation and goes Olympian, being consistent with their mood. In White Karol character smiles, but still does not do anything about it. Only Red Irene Jacob's character helps the elderly in their duties. The three attitudes fit perfectly with the evolution that continues the trilogy and we consider the stories of "elders of recycling" as a small trilogy inside the other. Kieslowski When asked about the meaning of these conditions stated that it was only old people throwing bottles into a container, showing his quirky sense of humor and interpreting it as a little joke if it were direct. Already in the Decalogue displayed similar levels and, of course, in The Double Life of Veronique too.

Image of The Double Life of Veronique. Does the old address to recycle their bottles?

- Three Colors: Blue -

-During a swimming scene in a scene bathed in blue because of the pool, some children appear with a red bathing suit and white just before jumping into the water - another subtle reference to the trilogy (Blue, white and red). Juliette Binoche
rejected the lead role in Jurassic Park (1993) by Steven Spielberg to participate in Blue , further demonstrating a solid race away from the commercialism. On the role of Julie won the Volpi Cup at Venice and the Cesar for Best Actress.

"In the scene where Julie hurting his hand on the stone wall, Juliette Binoche, was expected to hand embers protected, but the result before the camera was not natural and it rubbed his hand over the stones without any protection, leaving a trail of blood on the wall.
of Zbigniew Zamachowski and Julie Delpy (White) in Blue . Julie goes to court to meet the lover of her deceased husband.

In the first image Karol (White) appears behind Julie. In the second Karol back Dominique holding a jacket and sitting on a bench.

-At the funeral, we learn that Julie's daughter at the time of death was 5 years of age, but in his grave put something else: (04/26/1985 to 09/07/1992) so I would have more than 7 years.

-For the famous scene of the lump of sugar had to perform many tests with different cubes to find the right one, as Kieslowski wanted to soak in a precise and accurate time to marry perfectly with the image and soundtrack.

- Three Colors: White -

-Juliette Binoche (Blue ) appears in White a brief moment in the courtroom where he is trying to divorce White characters.

Julie appears in the court room and a security guard asks her to leave.

"The film is shot in Paris and Warsaw.

-language translation of the signs of the last scene, when Karol visit to Dominique in prison and seen through binoculars she says:
"When you leave prison, you and me , we will go together, right? Or do we stay here and get married again? "
Then slide the tears from the eyes of Karol leaving an open end this question. We'll have to go to the end of Red to see Karol and Dominique finally been reconciled.

- Three Colours: Red -

"Most of the scenes are shot in Geneva .

-The main song Three Colors: White can be heard during a scene from the film in the record store. You may also hear the main theme of the Decalogue in some sequences like the bowling scene.

- In musician usual film Kieslowski, Zbigniew Preisner , behind his alter ego, Van den Budenmayer , as did during the entire trilogy and even before, in compositions made for Preisner Decalogue . Van den The fictitious Budenmayer, a Dutch composer of course the late eighteenth century, is named in all of Kieslowski's films from the Decalogue, and ended meaning a more than expected situations repeated in Polish films. It means that even came Preisner to be sued for plagiarism! Van de Budenmayer himself on the edge of irony.

- Three Colors: Red is a coproduction between France, Poland and Switzerland. Due to some problems on the nationality of the film, it could not be presented to the Oscar for Best Foreign Language film. Still, it was nominated for the awards of Best Director, Best Screenplay and Best Cinematography, awards he lost to Robert Zemeckis for Forrest Gump , Quentin Tarantino and Roger Avary for Pulp Fiction , and John Toll for Legends Passion , respectively. "Besides

to be the last film in the trilogy, is also the last film Krzysztof Kieslowski, whose life would expire in March 1996.

"In the final scene, the television material used is authentic and refers to the sinking of the ferry Herald of Free Enterprise which took place in the English Channel in 1987.

- At the end of Three Colors: Red , among the survivors of maritime accidents appear Juliette Binoche and Benoit Regent, the protagonists of Three Colors: Blue , and Julie Delpy and Zbigniew Zamachowski, the protagonists of Three Colors: White . Their presence is justified to fit the entire trilogy arguably because it has been interpreted by the end of this film as a sign that love will save the drift of society, symbolized by the sinking of the ship.

The characters of Blue in the final sequence of Rojo.

White's characters in the final sequence of Rojo.

These are just a few details that make the work of Kieslowski a cohesive series and recognizable. However, the work in all its wingspan, can be viewed as a single through other important details that are not only these curiosities, ornamental part, we have named. For example, the careful direction of the Polish director, the big picture, the tone of the actors and the wonderful use of the soundtrack to characterize and to better unify the three films.

JMTrigueros. ----------------------------------------------

series "The French Cinema of Krzysztof Kieslowski"
by Javier Ballesteros