Monday, April 4, 2011

Treatment For Sore Feet From Basketball

Notes on the trilogy "Three Colors" Krzysztof Kieslowski: cameos and other curiosities.

Warning: If you have not seen the 3 films of which we speak is advisable that you see to appreciate some of the details are noted below. Also reveal some important plot.

Kieslowski's funny how the 3 intertwined stories making their characters appear in another film of the trilogy. These are small details that will please the most attentive viewer. Then, next to put some interesting cameos on this trilogy.

From top to bottom, frames, Blue, White and Red.

3 deliveries appears in the older person pulling a glass to a recycling bin. In Blue Julie's character looks at the situation and goes Olympian, being consistent with their mood. In White Karol character smiles, but still does not do anything about it. Only Red Irene Jacob's character helps the elderly in their duties. The three attitudes fit perfectly with the evolution that continues the trilogy and we consider the stories of "elders of recycling" as a small trilogy inside the other. Kieslowski When asked about the meaning of these conditions stated that it was only old people throwing bottles into a container, showing his quirky sense of humor and interpreting it as a little joke if it were direct. Already in the Decalogue displayed similar levels and, of course, in The Double Life of Veronique too.

Image of The Double Life of Veronique. Does the old address to recycle their bottles?

- Three Colors: Blue -

-During a swimming scene in a scene bathed in blue because of the pool, some children appear with a red bathing suit and white just before jumping into the water - another subtle reference to the trilogy (Blue, white and red). Juliette Binoche
rejected the lead role in Jurassic Park (1993) by Steven Spielberg to participate in Blue , further demonstrating a solid race away from the commercialism. On the role of Julie won the Volpi Cup at Venice and the Cesar for Best Actress.

"In the scene where Julie hurting his hand on the stone wall, Juliette Binoche, was expected to hand embers protected, but the result before the camera was not natural and it rubbed his hand over the stones without any protection, leaving a trail of blood on the wall.
of Zbigniew Zamachowski and Julie Delpy (White) in Blue . Julie goes to court to meet the lover of her deceased husband.

In the first image Karol (White) appears behind Julie. In the second Karol back Dominique holding a jacket and sitting on a bench.

-At the funeral, we learn that Julie's daughter at the time of death was 5 years of age, but in his grave put something else: (04/26/1985 to 09/07/1992) so I would have more than 7 years.

-For the famous scene of the lump of sugar had to perform many tests with different cubes to find the right one, as Kieslowski wanted to soak in a precise and accurate time to marry perfectly with the image and soundtrack.

- Three Colors: White -

-Juliette Binoche (Blue ) appears in White a brief moment in the courtroom where he is trying to divorce White characters.

Julie appears in the court room and a security guard asks her to leave.

"The film is shot in Paris and Warsaw.

-language translation of the signs of the last scene, when Karol visit to Dominique in prison and seen through binoculars she says:
"When you leave prison, you and me , we will go together, right? Or do we stay here and get married again? "
Then slide the tears from the eyes of Karol leaving an open end this question. We'll have to go to the end of Red to see Karol and Dominique finally been reconciled.

- Three Colours: Red -

"Most of the scenes are shot in Geneva .

-The main song Three Colors: White can be heard during a scene from the film in the record store. You may also hear the main theme of the Decalogue in some sequences like the bowling scene.

- In musician usual film Kieslowski, Zbigniew Preisner , behind his alter ego, Van den Budenmayer , as did during the entire trilogy and even before, in compositions made for Preisner Decalogue . Van den The fictitious Budenmayer, a Dutch composer of course the late eighteenth century, is named in all of Kieslowski's films from the Decalogue, and ended meaning a more than expected situations repeated in Polish films. It means that even came Preisner to be sued for plagiarism! Van de Budenmayer himself on the edge of irony.

- Three Colors: Red is a coproduction between France, Poland and Switzerland. Due to some problems on the nationality of the film, it could not be presented to the Oscar for Best Foreign Language film. Still, it was nominated for the awards of Best Director, Best Screenplay and Best Cinematography, awards he lost to Robert Zemeckis for Forrest Gump , Quentin Tarantino and Roger Avary for Pulp Fiction , and John Toll for Legends Passion , respectively. "Besides

to be the last film in the trilogy, is also the last film Krzysztof Kieslowski, whose life would expire in March 1996.

"In the final scene, the television material used is authentic and refers to the sinking of the ferry Herald of Free Enterprise which took place in the English Channel in 1987.

- At the end of Three Colors: Red , among the survivors of maritime accidents appear Juliette Binoche and Benoit Regent, the protagonists of Three Colors: Blue , and Julie Delpy and Zbigniew Zamachowski, the protagonists of Three Colors: White . Their presence is justified to fit the entire trilogy arguably because it has been interpreted by the end of this film as a sign that love will save the drift of society, symbolized by the sinking of the ship.

The characters of Blue in the final sequence of Rojo.

White's characters in the final sequence of Rojo.

These are just a few details that make the work of Kieslowski a cohesive series and recognizable. However, the work in all its wingspan, can be viewed as a single through other important details that are not only these curiosities, ornamental part, we have named. For example, the careful direction of the Polish director, the big picture, the tone of the actors and the wonderful use of the soundtrack to characterize and to better unify the three films.

JMTrigueros. ----------------------------------------------

series "The French Cinema of Krzysztof Kieslowski"
by Javier Ballesteros


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