Sunday, May 22, 2011

Infant Carrhart Jacket

The order of things. Short film on domestic violence of the brothers Stephen Alenda. The journey of Mary

In Julia's life has never been a straw that broke the camel's impotence, or simply never have to drop a single drop. A narrative look different on the issue of gender violence from their pedigree with a necessary allegorical portrait of fear and helplessness.

The film won the Grand Prize "Sant Joan d'Alacant" in the Official Selection for the best work of fiction, reportage, documentary or animation free theme.

Monday, May 16, 2011

How To Learn To Suck Your

Miguel Gallardo. Short film about autism.

"Much love and affection arising from this excellent animation work for the dissemination and awareness about the care of children with autism with a short hike around Mary, a teenager with autism and their families."

Javier Ballesteros

Astiberri comic book and poster published by the documentary "Mary and me."

The story is based on the comic book Mary and I Miguel Gallardo, whose daughter, Mary, has autism. Also in 2010, premiered a documentary directed by Felix Fernandez de Castro, Maria and I called also that had the protagonists, Maria and Miguel Gallardo in the flesh, and in which travel can be heard check both.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

What Candle Today For Menorah 2010

VALENCIA - Special Plan to the Risk of Accidents in the Transport of Dangerous Goods

Official Journal of the Generalitat Valenciana

Decree 49/2011, of May 6, of the Council, by approving the Special Plan to the Risk of Accidents in the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Can U Use Your Own Nail Polish With Konad

A History of Violence by David Cronenberg. Something is

playbill. Sheet & synopsis.
"A History of Violence is a film about the consequences of the actions we take. Violence is not a ballet, the choreography is not a lightsaber battle in a bamboo grove. The violence is effective, brutal, fast, for one thing happens to another. That was my approach to violence in this film. "

David Cronenberg.

U na History of Violence is an adaptation of a comic book or graphic novel would say fine, the novel by John Wagner and Vince Locke published in Spain by Astiberri publisher Paradox and seal belonging to DC Comics.

have long set the film industry in the comics as a source inspiration, but with the increasing lack of issues, Hollywood has found a vein on the big screen adaptation of comic strips such as: Road to Perdition, 300, V for Vendetta, Sin City ... Not to mention productions superheroes by Marvel and DC: X-Men, Spiderman, Hulk, Superman, Batman, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ... and dozens etcetera.

To move the comic book to the screen had the Canadian director David Cronenberg. Known for being one of the most personal and independent film directors today. His films deal issues on the human condition from perspectives such profound concepts supported by the ambiguity of being and their psychology, relationships, violence, sexuality or the relationship between technology and humans. All with the pollution of the disease and degeneration of the body. His films are full of parallel realities, scars, deformities and mutations result of a physical or mental deterioration, and if we add their obsession with technology and science we will see a director obsessed with himself confessed that "try find a philosophical response of the human condition " . Of course, to visceral and morbid way.

David Cronenberg on the set.
started making horror movies low-budget underground aesthetics influenced by being born in the United States in the mid-60 and by his taste for fantasy and science fiction. This first stage of organic and technological terror, which earned him the nickname "king of venereal horror," comes to the filming of Fly in 1,986, with getting a great critical and commercial success. This gruesome stage and libidinous is exemplified by his appearances in films: phallic infectious parasites, experimental plastic surgery vampiric effects, humanoid baby murderers, telepaths governmental organizations, owners of television channels disturbed by the snuff film ... With The fly is tempted, yet Moreover, by Hollywood, but ignores and evolves into a topic, more related to the intricacies of the mind with the body. This is the case of Inseparable of 1,988 and come up Spider in 2002, with the interruption of Existenz (1999) that would be an update Videodrome of belonging to the first stage.

With A History of Violence accepted the assignment to shoot the script that gets into your hands, but taking their land (halved the script and add bed scenes). Looks like the beginning of a new era, but still maintains many of the director filias. The most important is the duality in the personality of the characters. In this film, Viggo Mortensen character is torn between a murky past and a present worthy of the American dream. On the other hand it presents a moral duality relation to the natural human violence and the culture we have received to tame. With these two types of fighting us the following questions arise: is violence justified in some cases? How far does the legitimization of violence?
Questions remain unanswered, and whether we find any, is a bit disappointing, because the answer is the character is to keep their freedom the hard way.
violence, and sexuality also spoken in this film a lot of animals within us, and although we are aware and able to control it, sometimes, animal instinct comes out where you least expect one. You could say that two of the qualities we've got to hide and which are inherent to rational human being. Much
spoken and written is violence in movies or on television and its impact on viewers. In an interview with Cronenberg took over the promotion of the film gave his opinion on this issue. Interestingly, in this interview, asked a question related to Straw Dogs and A Clockwork Orange movies that are framed in the "cycle of violence and human condition our library of Sant Joan d'Alacant 2008/09. The question is:

discussions on violence in films has not stopped since there is a cinema, but never more so than in the seventies with Straw Dogs Sam Peckinpah and Clockwork Orange Kubrick. What is your position?

"I think the artist's responsibility is primarily the responsibility he has towards his work. However, no one works in a vacuum, there is a very complex social context. I think it would be difficult to prove that Straw Dogs or simplistic reasoning as establishing a cause-effect relationship, the psychology of a human being does not work that way. I think we all tend to get what you want in a movie. And this project determines the level of violence and cinematic style expressing it. The morale of an artist is his moral art. I do not think violence film can be compared with that seen over and over again on CNN, for instance, whose news programs are undoubtedly the most violent show there. Surely a subject of extensive debate. And in this movie have not gone further in the discussion than any other. "

Each draw their own conclusions.

only add that almost all of Cronenberg's works have been filmed in his native Canada and has with a normal working group which highlights the composer Howard Shore, famous in recent times to create the soundtrack of "Lord of the Rings".
Cronenberg's next film, Eastern Promises Was also starring Viggo Mortensen and continues in the new line of film with which Canada is reveling. JMT


Similarities and differences between comics and film.
(Ojo, contains spoiler!)

Viggo Mortensen, Ed Harris and Maria Bello give life
to the cartoons drawn by Vince Locke.
To begin I should say that in Spain the film is titled differently than the comic, which is A History of Violence against A History of Violence.
Basically the story is very similar, and features scenes and characters that are traced to the comic. The narrative structure is very similar except for a passage in the comic book that tells the adolescence of Joey / Tom McKeena (surnamed Stall in the movie) and what was the reason for his escape to the peaceful village where lives with his family.

P OAR comic book belonging to the robbery to the cafeteria.
sequence almost identical to the comic. Compare.

In comic, the story is as follows:
Joey and Richie are two young men from the suburbs of Brooklyn, New York, living in an area dominated by gangster Big Lou Manzi. It executes him to Richie's older brother to commit crimes in their area and not pay the corresponding taxes. It is then that Richie and Joey decide to take revenge on the gangster weaving a plan to kill him and get done with all proceeds resulting from extortion, robbery and blackmail. But the killing to survive for as hitman Manzi, Johnny Torrino, that goes for young people, getting to catch Richie and Joey making escape after leaving Torrino eyed with barbed wire. Time passes and Joey becomes McKeena Tom, who owns a bar in a quiet village. Due to an incident in his bar robbers rises to fame thanks to the media that make Johnny Torrino find it again. In this situation, and after trying to hide his past Joey / Tom is forced to confess to his family and his troubled past police to protect them. Yet the police are unable to neutralize the fear and threats by phone receives a voice belonging to a mysterious and a Joey / Tom thought to belong to his friend Richie, who disappeared more than 20 years. It is then that, to protect his family, decides to attend the event with police that the mysterious voice belongs to Little Lou Manzi, son of Big Lou Manzi, proposed. When they finally come face to face, Joey discovers that Richie was kidnapped and has been severely tortured and maimed for 20 years by the descendants of Big Lou Manzi in revenge for the death of his father. The final showdown gives the winner our hero in a battle of the most bloody and in which his old friend Richie mate asks you to rest after so much suffering to what Joey / Tom agrees.

The film :
disappears flashback telling the comic adventures of adolescence and young Joey and directly introduces us to Tom. With this deletion, we believe at all times there has been a mistake and that the gangsters were really confused person causing the increase in the film intriguing.
The fundamental difference with respect to the comic is the character played by William Hurt, Richie. This character is a mix between Richie and Little Lou Manzi cartoon, now transformed into the brother Joey / Tom. The motivation for searching for her brother is cleaning the family's last remaining dirt from his brother the teasing in the incident with Carl Fogarthy (JohnnyTorrino) and had to flee. That thing of the past prevents him from climbing into the world of the mafia because of outstanding bills that his last name carries in the violent world of crime, which is a mixture of honor and cruelty.
The film is set in the fictional town of Millbrook (Indiana) instead of Raven's Bend (Indiana) and the mother of the protagonist is fleeing Philadelphia in the comic when it comes to New York.
In the graphic novel the characters are Italian-Americans, but after the hiring of William Hurt and Ed Harris, David Cronenberg's Irish mafia became surnames Benedetto, Torrino, Manzi were changed by Fogarthy, Cusack, etc.

William Hurt won an Oscar nomination for best supporting actor
for his portrayal of Richie Cusack, a role of only 10 minute shot in just 5 days.

Finally, both the comic and the film are two rewarding experiences. Know that the differences make both documents can be enjoyed regardless of having previously seen or read one of the two.



Bonus 1.
Bonus 2.

Monday, May 9, 2011

How To Putthe Double Loop Belt

Ana Lorenz. Short on Alzeihmer. Cartoons

Mother and daughter live in sacrifice and commitment to Alzheimer's disease. With masterful use of time, both regress to childhood. The girl's mother cared for her painstaking become the caretaker of it when the time comes. Cute story that awe and wonder for the love that follows.

The film could be viewed on the XI Festival de Cine de Sant Joan d'Alacant reaping the reward Universidad Miguel Hernández dedicated to the best work submitted by authors born or living in Valencia. Although its course through continuous festivals is the beginning of the road for this story is located at 2 SNCFilm Short Film Contest organized by the Laboratory that specializes in Lundbeck the study of central nervous system, hence the initials CNS. This year the theme chosen was intended to support caregivers of Alzheimer patients, those anonymous heroes. From the Film

we would also spread the value of a story as real as life itself and that none are exempt, even today, suffer.

For those who want to know more about the subject we recommend the documentary won a Goya in 2010, Bike, spoon, apple Carlos Bosch and count that as the disease attacks slowly Pascual Maragall, president of the Generalitat of Catalonia. Or the highly recommended comic Paco Roca Wrinkles (2007) published by the Editorial Astiberri. Also, for those who want to know more about something is , then leave the link to the official website:


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Milena Velba 2010 Films


resolution of 15 April 2011, the Directorate General of Railway Infrastructure, for which examinations are held obtaining and renewal of certificates of safety advisers for the transport of dangerous goods by rail.
The request to take part in entrance examinations this notice, duly completed in accordance with the model annexed to this resolution, sent to the Directorate General of Railway Infrastructure, located in the Plaza of the Sacred Heart, No. 7, 28071 Madrid, within forty-five calendar days from the day following the publication of this notice in the Official Gazette of the State. "

The application must include a photocopy of identity card or, failing that, a registration certificate issued by the relevant municipality and, for certificate renewal in addition be accompanied by a photocopy .

Where indicated in the request to obtain the certificate more than one specialty, it is understood that the choice of the review is comprehensive, covering all specialties. ---

tests tests will be performed on October 1, 2011 in Madrid

Play Online Vice City Missions


INT/904/2011 Resolution of 11 April, which leaves no effects IRP/4155/2010 Resolution of 21 December, and laying down measures to regulate circulation and transport of goods by roads of Catalonia in 2011.

IRP/4155/2010 of 21 December laying down measures to regulate the movement and transport of goods by roads of Catalonia 2011.

1.3 Vehicles transporting dangerous goods.

1.3.1 Vehicles must wear orange panels regulatory warning signs, and combinations of vehicles of any MMA.

Vehicles for transport of dangerous goods have to wear orange panels regulatory warning signs and combinations of vehicles of any MMA, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 551/2006, May 5 and the European Agreement concerning the carriage of goods Road (ADR) can not travel on intercity roads of Catalonia on the dates, times, the road sections listed in Annex B, or through the aforementioned in paragraph 3 of Annex D to this Resolution. 1.3.2

routes of dangerous goods.

In accordance with the provisions of article 5.2 of Royal Decree 551/2006, of May 5 above, determine the routes that have to follow the vehicles transporting dangerous goods:

a) Transport for distribution and delivery.

On the Go whose purpose is the distribution and supply of dangerous goods to their final users or consumers will have to use the appropriate route, both in relation to road safety as traffic flow, and must travel the least distance possible along conventional roads to the point of delivery of the goods. Unavoidably have to use the bypasses, variants or populations outside round, when, and only you can go to urban areas for loading and unloading, the next access to the delivery point, except for justified reasons of force majeure.

b) Other types of displacement.

If the points of origin and destination of travel are included within the XIMP (Network of Routes for Dangerous Goods) listed in Annex C to this Resolution, the vehicles transporting these goods have to use compulsory Network in its path. In the event that one of these points, or both, are outside the XIMP, travel must be made by conventional roads that provide access to said network entry or the nearest exit, in order to ensure the tour of the single carriageway roads as short as possible, unless expressly way marked for the circulation of this type of transport, which must be used necessarily.

The movement of vehicles for the carriage of dangerous goods by roads other than those mentioned above, require the cruise itinerary does not pass through or do it for the least dangerous in accordance with the application of the criteria most favorable intensity classification and distribution of traffic, size of the urban core, urban settings, layout and features of the platform. It will also require advance notice, 24 hours in advance, at least, the police of the Government-boys squad, which has to establish and confirm, if necessary, using the new route.

1.3.3 Specific exemptions to the restrictions of transport of dangerous goods.

What we set out in paragraphs a) and b) of paragraph 1.3.2 does not apply when transportation of dangerous goods are made in accordance with the exemptions set out in ADR because of the burden, the limited number or type transport.

also are exempt from the restrictions provided for in paragraphs 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 of this Resolution vehicles carrying dangerous goods in terms and determine the conditions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Annex D to this Resolution.

also be allowed to leave the XIMP in those movements whose destination or from the base, the resting place of habitual residence or to the carrier and repair operations or vehicle maintenance, provided that conditions XIMP parking lot. The movement will be carried by the nearest exit to where the driver is headed.

1.4 Other Restrictions.

1.4.1 Additional Restrictions.

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 37 and 39 of Rules of the road and Article 2.3.b) of Law 14/1997, of December 24, creating the Catalan Traffic Service, the police of the Government-boys squad can force that is spaced or temporarily stop the movement of vehicles affected by any restrictions set out above on public roads under their supervision during the hours they are allowed to run, depending on the circumstances of the traffic.

1.4.2 Restrictions due to weather.

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 37 and 39 of the Rules of the road, and article 2.3.b) of Law 14/1997, of December 24, creating the Catalan Traffic Service, the police of the Government-boys squad can be withdrawn from circulation on public roads under the supervision of the affected vehicles by these restrictions when weather conditions are adverse to the safety of users or the flow of road traffic.

In severe weather, snow or ice, trucks over 3,500 kg of MMA, buses and vehicle combinations are required to move in the right lane of the road, and expressly prohibits vehicles referred to overtake to running at less speed and those who are detained because of difficulties on the road.

1.4.3 Restrictions tunnels.

All transport of dangerous goods of any MMA that they have to wear orange panels regulatory warning signs, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 551/2006, of May 5, and the European Agreement on Transport of dangerous goods by road (ADR) will respect the limitations of passage through tunnels established and marked by the holders of the tracks.

1.4.4 Restrictions Cadi tunnel.

For all special vehicles, special transport all, all the machinery and automotive lift all transport of dangerous goods of any MMA that they have to wear orange panels regulatory warning signs, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 551/2006, of May 5, and the European Agreement on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) is restricted movement in the C-16 between the PK and PK 117.023 130.910 (link road Urús ), from Friday at 14 pm until Sunday at 24 hours, all the eve of holidays from 14 to 24 hours and public holidays from 0 to 24 hours. However, the Catalan Traffic Service, under section 2.2 of this Resolution, provided that there is no other alternative pathway, may grant special permits for the passage of this type of transport for carriers which, with reasonable prior request, justify the need to move through this tunnel. -2


is established the following general rule for exemptions to the restrictions on movement imposed by this resolution.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

How Do You Make A Fake Fireplace


Extremadura Official Journal of 05/03/2011

April 7, 2011 for which are held in the field of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura, finding evidence of professional training for the exercise of Security Advisor functions in the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail, to be held in 2011. (2011050127)