Sunday, May 8, 2011

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INT/904/2011 Resolution of 11 April, which leaves no effects IRP/4155/2010 Resolution of 21 December, and laying down measures to regulate circulation and transport of goods by roads of Catalonia in 2011.

IRP/4155/2010 of 21 December laying down measures to regulate the movement and transport of goods by roads of Catalonia 2011.

1.3 Vehicles transporting dangerous goods.

1.3.1 Vehicles must wear orange panels regulatory warning signs, and combinations of vehicles of any MMA.

Vehicles for transport of dangerous goods have to wear orange panels regulatory warning signs and combinations of vehicles of any MMA, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 551/2006, May 5 and the European Agreement concerning the carriage of goods Road (ADR) can not travel on intercity roads of Catalonia on the dates, times, the road sections listed in Annex B, or through the aforementioned in paragraph 3 of Annex D to this Resolution. 1.3.2

routes of dangerous goods.

In accordance with the provisions of article 5.2 of Royal Decree 551/2006, of May 5 above, determine the routes that have to follow the vehicles transporting dangerous goods:

a) Transport for distribution and delivery.

On the Go whose purpose is the distribution and supply of dangerous goods to their final users or consumers will have to use the appropriate route, both in relation to road safety as traffic flow, and must travel the least distance possible along conventional roads to the point of delivery of the goods. Unavoidably have to use the bypasses, variants or populations outside round, when, and only you can go to urban areas for loading and unloading, the next access to the delivery point, except for justified reasons of force majeure.

b) Other types of displacement.

If the points of origin and destination of travel are included within the XIMP (Network of Routes for Dangerous Goods) listed in Annex C to this Resolution, the vehicles transporting these goods have to use compulsory Network in its path. In the event that one of these points, or both, are outside the XIMP, travel must be made by conventional roads that provide access to said network entry or the nearest exit, in order to ensure the tour of the single carriageway roads as short as possible, unless expressly way marked for the circulation of this type of transport, which must be used necessarily.

The movement of vehicles for the carriage of dangerous goods by roads other than those mentioned above, require the cruise itinerary does not pass through or do it for the least dangerous in accordance with the application of the criteria most favorable intensity classification and distribution of traffic, size of the urban core, urban settings, layout and features of the platform. It will also require advance notice, 24 hours in advance, at least, the police of the Government-boys squad, which has to establish and confirm, if necessary, using the new route.

1.3.3 Specific exemptions to the restrictions of transport of dangerous goods.

What we set out in paragraphs a) and b) of paragraph 1.3.2 does not apply when transportation of dangerous goods are made in accordance with the exemptions set out in ADR because of the burden, the limited number or type transport.

also are exempt from the restrictions provided for in paragraphs 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 of this Resolution vehicles carrying dangerous goods in terms and determine the conditions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Annex D to this Resolution.

also be allowed to leave the XIMP in those movements whose destination or from the base, the resting place of habitual residence or to the carrier and repair operations or vehicle maintenance, provided that conditions XIMP parking lot. The movement will be carried by the nearest exit to where the driver is headed.

1.4 Other Restrictions.

1.4.1 Additional Restrictions.

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 37 and 39 of Rules of the road and Article 2.3.b) of Law 14/1997, of December 24, creating the Catalan Traffic Service, the police of the Government-boys squad can force that is spaced or temporarily stop the movement of vehicles affected by any restrictions set out above on public roads under their supervision during the hours they are allowed to run, depending on the circumstances of the traffic.

1.4.2 Restrictions due to weather.

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 37 and 39 of the Rules of the road, and article 2.3.b) of Law 14/1997, of December 24, creating the Catalan Traffic Service, the police of the Government-boys squad can be withdrawn from circulation on public roads under the supervision of the affected vehicles by these restrictions when weather conditions are adverse to the safety of users or the flow of road traffic.

In severe weather, snow or ice, trucks over 3,500 kg of MMA, buses and vehicle combinations are required to move in the right lane of the road, and expressly prohibits vehicles referred to overtake to running at less speed and those who are detained because of difficulties on the road.

1.4.3 Restrictions tunnels.

All transport of dangerous goods of any MMA that they have to wear orange panels regulatory warning signs, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 551/2006, of May 5, and the European Agreement on Transport of dangerous goods by road (ADR) will respect the limitations of passage through tunnels established and marked by the holders of the tracks.

1.4.4 Restrictions Cadi tunnel.

For all special vehicles, special transport all, all the machinery and automotive lift all transport of dangerous goods of any MMA that they have to wear orange panels regulatory warning signs, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 551/2006, of May 5, and the European Agreement on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) is restricted movement in the C-16 between the PK and PK 117.023 130.910 (link road UrĂºs ), from Friday at 14 pm until Sunday at 24 hours, all the eve of holidays from 14 to 24 hours and public holidays from 0 to 24 hours. However, the Catalan Traffic Service, under section 2.2 of this Resolution, provided that there is no other alternative pathway, may grant special permits for the passage of this type of transport for carriers which, with reasonable prior request, justify the need to move through this tunnel. -2


is established the following general rule for exemptions to the restrictions on movement imposed by this resolution.


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