Monday, April 23, 2007

Galvanized Boat Trailer

The story then ... .. Hospitalized

As some know ... I have or had a pernicious habit for 16 years ... it is not marijuana quiet ... that is the Cronch, the cigar ...! Then I will tell you how I started jumar, well I have time feeling bad about the fucking cigarette, and that is not was less the amount (which was a box and a little more) if the intensity of smoking, deep drags sometimes even burned my lips and fingers, just as I started in June last year to feel a strange sensation in the neck just below my ear, was like a burning pain, the pain was becoming annoying, I went to the doctor and his diagnosis was ... besides the urge to cut ... hehehe (what I did was to raise more) and recommendation to quit smoking, I said I had swollen glands, and I recommended that a Foreign me a wheel that had a root canal ... noooooooooo a lost tooth and a mother ... no, good ... I toothless strange pain ceased, well ... go Christmas, but as from February I began to feel pain in the neck, the back of the "mjumju", and again that strange sensation of burning pain under my left ear, accompanied me as a bothersome back pain ... I said .. or am picao of nutsedge or need a psychiatrist because I am a hypochondriac ... went to the doctor to see me and sent me a test ... .. pocotonnnnnnnnnn, still smoking and I still hurt all .. until that time ... t ata ta taaaaaaannnn pod SPUTUM BLOOD ... I did not do the will to see the overnight is untied me an Peston and was spitting blood ... but no traces of blood were .. was blood, well back to the doctor and I recommend hospitalization, I was discharged and I did everything (except the examination of the prostate), the latter is a scan of the chest and neck which I do and coach scanner told me that the lungs were "Beille" but the neck does not like because I have super nodes screeds ... well wait ... hopefully it's nothing serious ... just have the flu ... I'm scare quit ... or makes me ... This week I tell you how many moons I have left .... Thank you all for caring ... thanks for asking ... thanks for being ....

Pass later that no one at home ...!!!


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