Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Snowmobile Wrecking Yards Ontario

diagnose it ...!!!!!

Given that the physician has been unable to analyze the results and seeing me in a state of complete helplessness medical, so I resorted to Cronch analyze my medical report, since I do not quite understand that Vergara is what I have and I know he has extensive experience in offal, incense, evil eye, damage, despair, infidelity, jealousy, odd jobs and anything that is not explanation! good recipe Cronch Reach Out!

"I practice helicoidal tomography of the neck and thorax millimeter axial cuts from the base of the skull to the lung bases with and without contrast administration, normal observer
amplitude light area pharynx, larynx and trachea. Parotid glands, submandibular and thyroid size and density preserved. Cervical vascular structure of normal course and caliber. Nodular lesions are seen in soft tissue density in both cervical regions location bilaterales mediales a los músculos esternoclestomastoideos la de mayor tamaño aproximadamente de 15mm de diámetro del lado derecho. Pequeñas adenopatías submandibulares y supraclaviculares derechas.
A nivel de tórax los campos pulmonares “son”(así dice textual) muestran alteraciones de la densidad no imágenes nodulares. No hay derrame pleural. La tráquea y los bronquios principales son de trayecto y calibres normales. No se observan adenopatías mediastinales. Los grandes vasos no muestran alteraciones.
Adenopatías cervicales en cadenas laterales bilaterales y a nivel supraclavicular derecho a descartar proceso linfoproliferativo resto del estudio sin alteraciones.”
's all .... And you say? What is your diagnosis?

Pass later that no one at home ...!!! Go


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