Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Infant Knitted Papose

Personality ... "Genetic inheritance or environment?

One could argue that almost everyone has some part of his personality that would like to improve or directly if they could exchange it for another that is better.

First question I ask myself is whether we have the ability to acquire some skills that do not possess, ie,

Do define our character traits are innate or acquired throughout life skills that can add we have at birth?

Obviously genetics involved that transmits certain characteristics that make up the personality, as might be intelligence, certain skills and certain qualities of temperament. (Eg primary behaviors).

And of course also influence external factors such as environment, education, personal experience and instinct to overcome people.

From this small personal reflection, opens a range of questions that are difficult to answer as

A leader is born or acquired skills throughout their lives?

"Two twins with very similar ... if they were genetically isolated from society under the same conditions, after the years have identical personalities?

Does a person's sexual status is defined over the years and really is defined when it is born?

A guy who has a mental average birth rate can train your intelligence enough to buy a coefficient gifted?

"Mental disorders are hereditary and are stimulated or acquired over the years?

................................ ANSWERS ARE THERE? ................................




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