Friday, December 7, 2007

Sympathy Quote For Mother In Law

Tourism in Spain / Tourism in Spain "Ho haveu

For the first time, a theme Inglés Written in English and so That Our Friends in other countries by participating Also dog Their Giving point of view. That the issue I raise is: tourism in Spain. Why Spain is one of The Most Chosen Countries by Tourists? What is your secret to Be Such an interesting destination? Do paella, Gaudí, Seville, the beaches, the sun, bullfighting ...? What Are the favorite cities?

For the first time, a song written in two languages \u200b\u200bso that our friends from other countries can also participate by giving your opinion. The issue I raise is: tourism in Spain. Why Spain is one of the most chosen by tourists? What is your secret to be as attractive a destination? "The paella, Gaudí, the Seville, the beaches, the sun, bulls ...? What cities are the favorites?

Have you ever
Travel to Spain? What you liked place Most of All?

Have you traveled to Spain? What place do you like best of all?

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- Click on the title of this topic.
- Click on the bottom option "post a comment"
- Write your opinion in the top right part of the screen "leave your comment."
- Write That the key appears on the screen "word verification".
- Click on the option "nickname" of the part "choose an identity."
- Write your name.
- Finally, click in "Publish your comment"


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