Monday, December 3, 2007

What Episode Does Vegeta

. Get one. It is a reality!

If we remember, in a post a few days ago ( Give one. Receive a ) were talking about an educational charity project was to provide tools of appreciable n learning, personal expression and exploration, about two billion children living in countries development, with little or no access to education through OLPC XO low cost .

Updating the post is due to good news. What might seem like a pilot without any future is now a reality!

The fact has happened in Uruguay, where he delivered the 1,000 first small portable units forecast in the coming months to deliver 90,000 more.

Apart from these computers, the government of Peru has ordered 260,000 XO computers and Carlos Slim 50,000 more for Mexican children. To all this we must add the 2 million daily laptops purchased under the program "Give One, Get One" where a child of the United States or Canada gives a laptop to a child from a developing country.

The impact of the news media has provided a springboard to the implementation of a project that can provide ways of learning and acculturation to countries with difficult access to these tools.

Ivan Krstić

................. THIS YEAR THE KINGS WILL WORK looooong ... ..............



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