Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Body Fortress Where's The Scoop?


resolution of 29 December 2010, the General Directorate of Traffic, laying down special measures to regulate traffic in 2011.

B.2.2 In accordance with Article 5 of Royal Decree 551 / 2006, May 5 ("Official Gazette" No. 113, on May 12, 2006), Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road, the routes to be used by vehicles for the transport of dangerous goods are:

in displacement for distribution and delivery: The movement whose purpose is the distribution and distribution of dangerous goods to their final users or consumers, will use the most appropriate route, both in relation to road safety as traffic flow, covering the least possible distance along conventional roads, to the point delivery of the goods. Bypasses inexcusably be used, variants or populations outside round if any, and if there is more than one will be circulated by the outermost of the population, can enter the town only for loading and unloading, and access provided by the near the point of delivery except for justifiable reasons of force majeure.

Another type of movement: If the points of origin and destination of travel are included within the RIMP-Network-Routes for Dangerous Goods contained in Annex IV to this Resolution, the vehicles that transported have to be used on the tour. If one of these points, or both, RIMP are outside the movement must be made by those conventional roads that provide access to the Network for the nearest entrance or exit in the direction of travel, to ensure that the tour single carriageway routes as short as possible .

Transit through channels other than those outlined here will require that the route runs through hikes not do it for the less dangerous, "according to the intensity and distribution of traffic classification, the size of the village, the urban settings, and the design and regulation thereof, 'and also the previous communication with at least twenty-four hours prior to the subsector the Traffic Civil Guard of the province concerned, who will confirm, if appropriate, the use of the new route.

also be permitted to leave the RIMP those whose travel to or from the habitual residence of the driver, to make daily or weekly rest periods, or for carrying out repair or maintenance operations of the vehicle, provided that in If all the conditions specified parking in the ADR.

Nothing in the preceding paragraphs shall not apply when the transport of this class of goods is conducted in accordance with any of the exemptions listed in the ADR by reason of the cargo, quantity or type of transport. B.2.3

are exempt from the prohibitions set out in sections B.2.1, and B.2.2, the vehicles carrying the matters referred to in Annex III to this Resolution, under the conditions that the same is determined.

B.2.4 The movement of vehicles referred to in this section B.2 for the sections listed in Annex V of this resolution can only be done in the days and time periods therein specified.

B.3 Vehicles require additional permit movement to overcome its technical characteristics or by reason of the indivisible load carried, the values \u200b\u200bof the masses or maximum dimensions.

may not flow from the thirteen hours on Saturday or the day before national holidays, until two hours on Monday or day immediately following the holiday, and holidays for the autonomous regions and within its territory, from zero hours to two hours on the day immediately following these holidays. Nor may move the dates and times specified in Annexes II and VI of this Resolution.

This restriction shall not apply to vehicles according to their urgent tasks used in fire fighting, environmental protection, maintenance of road conditions of the roads and saving lives, and pointing it in special transportation arrangements, will have to inevitably move in the restricted hours mentioned. To this end the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Development and relevant Ministries of the Autonomous Communities shall notify the Traffic Department or the Traffic Management Center in the affected area, vehicles and special transport features and follow the route from origin to destination.

This item also applies to special purpose vehicles which, although not dedicated to freight transport, need for additional authorization flow of movement.

Vehicles on special transport system equipped with an additional permit generic category movement moving in vacuum, can not travel on roads whose supervision exercised by the Central Autonomous Body Traffic Headquarters, on sections and during the days and hours listed in Annex II to this Resolution. TraficoADR.com


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