Friday, February 18, 2011

Red Gums, Blisters On Gums

UNECE: Transport of Dangerous Goods: Global and Regional dimensions (GENEVA)


15.00 - 15.05 Opening and Welcome


Director UNECE Transport Division

15.05 - 16.05 I. THE GLOBAL CONTEXT

The multi-modal framework in The Context of Sustainable Development: The United Nations Recommendations and Their Implementation

Mr. Claude Pfauvadel

Chief of Mission of the Transportation of Dangerous

Directorate General of Prevention Risk

Department of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transportation and Housing


How are the United Nations Recommendations translated in maritime transport regulations at a global level

Mr. Alfredo Parroquin-Ohlson

Cargoes and Facilitation Section

Maritime Safety Division

International Maritime Organization

Future developments and needs at the global scale

Mr. Paul Wauters

Chairman of the IRU Group of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods

International Road Transport Union (IRU)

Safe and Sustainable Transport in the Chemical Industry

Mr. Jos Verlinden


Transport and Logistics

European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC)

Future challenges for the safe transport of dangerous goods: Retention of expertise

Mr. Jeff Hart

Head of International Negotiations

Dangerous Goods Division, Department of Transport

United Kingdom

16.05 – 16.20 Break

16.20 – 17.10 II. THE EUROPEAN CONTEXT and “A vision for the future of European legislation”

Goals, principles and guidelines in European Union policy

Ms. Isabelle Kardacz

Head of the Road Safety and Transport of Dangerous Goods Unit

DG Move

European Commission

Accession lessons about the ADR – Turkey

Mr. Izzet Isik

Head of Department

Directorate General for Land Transport

Ministry of Transport


Dangerous goods transport by rail in the Euro-Asian trade (RID/SMGS)

Mr. Jean Pierre Lehman

Director for Legal Affairs

International Union of Railways (UIC)

ADN, the latest UNECE Transport of Dangerous Goods Agreement: objectives and implementation

Mr.Helmut Rein

Head of the Transport of Dangerous Goods Section

Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs


Transport of dangerous goods in inland navigation: going beyond legislation

Mr. Jean-Marie Woehrling


Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR)

17.10 – 17.40 III. PANEL DISCUSSION: Country and industry perspectives

Panelists: Government officials, EU, industry representatives

Moderator: Mr. Olivier Kervella - Chief, Dangerous Goods and Special Cargoes Section UNECE Transport Division


17.55 - 18.00 Concluding

REMARKS Ms. Eva Molnar


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