Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thank You Note Computer Paper

The unfaithful wife of Claude Chabrol. Alfred Hitchcock Vertigo

Credits and synopsis. Home playbill.

"What I wanted to do in this film is film and define the more subtle evil that is defined in the dictionary (tendency to want the bad and often feel pleasure). To this end debunk some of the psychological mechanisms and analyze their disastrous consequences in a supposedly civilized society, which is probably one of their products. "

"From Fritz Lang Hitchcock, the genre of suspense is the vehicle most popular and effective way to address any abstract subject. "

Claude Chabrol.

E scase five months have passed since the death of Claude Chabrol (12 September 2010) to the projection of The unfaithful wife by The Film Archive, today February 21, 2011. In The Film Archive, as in February 2009 with the cycle- posthumously dedicated to "Antonioni and Bergman, Chabrol is remembered this February 2011, with this cycle key posthumous tribute with his classmate, Éric Rohmer. With the loss of both is diminished what once was the most revolutionary movement in the history of French cinema, the "nouvelle vague" .

As critics of the magazine Cahiers du Cinema and founders of the New Wave infused a new spirit to the cinema of his country and eventually to the mainland. They took elements of their favorite movie, the film broke existing mold, adapted to the means at their disposal, made, theorized and writers wielded a policy that would later be consolidated and that the individual fame and prestige which today have.
Chabrol, as well as author, was driven from many of his peers, as it was the only money available to finance well spend it while its benefits in the production of films that would become the first pillar of the new movement. Not enough to have a good portfolio, plus needed talent. With The beautiful Sergio (Le beau Serge, 1958) , the first film of the Nouvelle Vague, won the Berlin Film Festival and was able to ease their way to the rest.

Beyond cinema of his country, appealed to his American idols, in the case of Chabrol was the Orson Welles, Howard Hawks, Fritz Lang, and of course, Alfred Hitchcock, the director who was fascinated with respect to forms, but also as genres. True, his prolific career took him through various ways, but mainly specialized in psychological dramas featuring the middle bourgeoisie, that to which he belonged and he knew so well. His gaze on the matter, was cynical and mocking, and showed off all the moral corruption of the social stratum.


With The unfaithful wife (La Femme Infidel, 1969) starts a block of films that examine three recurring themes for him again the bourgeoisie, sex and relationship, family, and crime and its consequences. Chabrol
During this time with a study of the middle bourgeoisie and the impact that the sexual revolution had on families. Accept these new practices did not help that people were happy, but quite the opposite. These adversities and misfortunes had Chabrol's characters either to the crime. These were simple stories, with a few lines would write most of its outline, but the depth of suffering for the characters becomes a complicated journey through the most pathetic life.
These trips, of feeling devious, is composed largely a love triangle, usually made up of three characters called Charles, Helene and Paul (in the case of the unfaithful wife replaced by Victor, but with the same role). All variations on these names and their roles in the plot are interchangeable, but they agree on one point: the heartbreak and murder.

Chabrol, like Hitchcock, tended towards a formula to make movies that took him away from the fundamental principles of the Nouvelle Vague, but helped to form his own style based on the internal structure of the film, something he learned from the study of Alfred Hitchcock. This period coincides with the production of André Genoa and would emphasize in his works: The deer (1968) The Lost Accident (1969), La mujer infiel (1969), El carnicero (1970) o Al anochecer (1971), sin duda con ellas ganó en comercialidad y en opinión del propio Chabrol constituyen el mayor éxito de su carrera desde el punto de vista sociológico.
Otros elementos tomados del maestro inglés son la importancia de los personajes secundarios (los compañeros de la oficina, el detective o ese inquietante policia que sólamente se toca la nariz) y de los objetos. Significativos son la utilización de un mechero gigante (zippo) como metáfora del calor en la relación, de la pasión, y de un busto de mujer increíblemente parecido con la cabeza de Helene.

A Car changes hands and the bellows used to fan the flames of fire at a distance on a wall. Chabrol subtly shows us the state of the relationship.

Is it coincidence that the bust is so similar to Helene?

Sthephen Chabrol Audran was married 16 years and has already participated in his second film, The Cousins \u200b\u200b(1959). It was also the protagonist of The hinds (1968) and Butcher (1970), two films that reported international fame as well as other films of her husband.

The unfaithful woman in Chabrol realizes his understanding on psychological thriller. Right from the title, La femme infidelity and respected Castilian translation, Chabrol is left of mysteries and goes straight to the point. A bourgeois marriage made by Charles and Helene is buffeted by the infidelity of it. The possible plot of the story, which in the hands of another writer had discoursed by paths detective pretty irrelevant to the French director, who is charged directly with the potential suspense title. Questions like Helene is unfaithful? Who? are not as important as central to Chabrol, which is certainly what now? Developing the answer to this question Chabrol keeps us in suspense, his pulse to a story in which the interest lies in the characters and the actual construction and sequence of events. In this respect the filmmaker following formula:

"The construction is much more important than the plot. The ideal would be that the manifest form of a film for all the essence, but it is clear that this never happens. The characters and the plot exist only to arouse the viewer's interest, either because they recover what is already known, or because they intend to venture into new ground. But what gives shape to a movie is always the building: that is, all about the rhythm, the harmony of writing, the connection between scenes, and the set of signals that have to be understood without ambiguity. The key that toggles between the two-dimensionality of the screen to the essence of the film is mostly in construction. "
The ambiguity and false appearances are also part of the characters in The unfaithful wife. The main couple is formed by a marriage who lives on the outskirts of Paris. He is responsible for about a nondescript office, loves his wife but obviously does not give you everything she needs is dispassionate and enjoys a security class that brings satisfaction. Helene is a woman who lives behind the shelter that her husband provided. Economic and emotional stability not barred from seeking the passion out of wedlock. It's beautiful, independent, sensual and enjoys freedom of movement. Is played by Stephane Audran, Chabrol's wife and muse of many of his films. Since the beginning of the husband's suspicions are evident and even sensed infidelity refuses to recognize it. Charles's character is shown pathetic and lowered with respect to the people around him. The irony with which they are described to us appear in several scenes. In one of Charles Helene invited to lunch to which she replied that it was impossible, that has many things to do: go to clean the skin, hair stylist, go to the movies ... of course her husband is cheating, but are easily recognizable in the wife of a wealthy man.

said the "French Hitchcock" that The unfaithful wife had sought to translate the perversity. A feature that explains the actions of these bourgeois, which is independent of reason, something more gruesome that explodes in the mind. Hurting the one you love, but selfishly. The power of perversion is to enjoy despite the suffering of another. The stable indifference agreed that both profess to be broken with tragic consequences. And

Chabrol, tells again the drama of life, dissecting their peers from the most abject of the human soul, but yes, irony and style. With the elegant look of a playboy and his status as unique filmmaker.

José Martínez Trigueros.

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Other information and curiosities.

-Chabrol, like Hitchcock, is also self-promotion. In a fast plane is a movie which announces "Les Biches," "The deer" in 1968, directed by Chabrol and starring Stephan Audran.
-In 2002, Adrian Lyne, shot an American remake starring Richard Gere and Diane Lane called "Unfaithful"
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