Sunday, February 27, 2011

Woke Up With Pain In Right Testicle

EXTREMADURA 2011 CALL: Collection and renewal the title of director, 2011

Official Journal of the Generalitat of Catalonia

06/05/2011 TES/1079/2011 RESOLUTION of 29 April, by which tests are made public for obtaining and renewal professional qualification certificate for the conduct of business security adviser freight transport by road or rail.
https: / /

Tests professional training of safety advisers for the transport of dangerous goods in CATALONIA

Companies transporting dangerous goods by road or rail or are responsible for loading or unloading associated with this transport, should be appointed from before January 2000, at least a security adviser to prevent risks to persons, property or the environment inherent in these activities. For safety adviser must pass certain tests. The tests were carried out in one or two calls a year.

. Who is it for?

People who want to develop the business of security adviser.

• You can collect the certificates of evidence of past November 2010.

• The deadline to register for the tests is 1 to March 31, 2011.

• The deadline for payment of the fee is 15 April 2011.


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