Friday, February 4, 2011

Will Dog's Hair Grow Back

Chabrol, Rohmer y. .. Hitchcock, in February 2011

"- what Hitchcock accounted for you in the mid-fifties, when he began to write that essay?

- Hitchcock embodied one of my most cherished ideas: that the film is organized as a shape in space, a shape that is the illustration of an idea secret, hidden, which determines all the work. Speaking of me, I think I represent also the point of view of Claude Chabrol, who wrote that book in 1957, and in general the group Hitchcock defended in Cahiers du cinéma. "

Extracted from an interview with Eric Rohmer by Antoine de Baecque on June 13, 2008, included in the foreword of the book published in 2010 by Editorial Manantial Argentina, "Hitchcock" .

L to Film pays tribute this month February 2011, two icons of French cinema and founders of the "nouvelle vague" French , Claude Chabrol (Paris, June 24, 1930 - Paris September 12, 2010) and Eric Rohmer (Nancy, April 4, 1920 - Paris, January 11, 2010), both died last year 2010.

In The Film propose a particular cycle in two parts as complementary and necessary to understand the importance of the figure of the author in film, history, criticism, influence, creative process and ideological heritage.

The first half of the cycle, comes from the passion of two French filmmakers film by Alfred Hitchcock , where the master of suspense is both honored by Chabrol and Rohmer's own, from its first stage as critical film in the legendary magazine "Cahiers du Cinema", and collaboration of both the essential publication of the first study of Alfred Hitchcock as the author in 1957, reissued last March 2010, for the first time in Castilian by the editorial Argentina Spring, entitled simply "Hitchcock."

A previous study, though much less known, the famous publication of François Truffaut, also essential, the master of suspense, "The Hitchcock film as" in 1966, after talks held by Truffaut himself with Hitchcock on several occasions.

Portada de la reciente edición de 2010 de "Hitchcock",
por la editorial argentina "Manantial"

“Hitchcock”, cuyo título original en la primera edición (Paris: Éditions Universitaires, 1957) fue “Hitchcock: sus primeras 44 películas”, incluye un interesante prólogo con la entrevista realizada el 13 de Junio de 2008 a Éric Rohmer por Antoine de Baecque. En dicha entrevista, Rohmer, a sus 88 años, expresaba su deseo de incluir su artículo “La hélice y la idea”, posterior a the book's publication in the following reissues of the little book written with his partner Claude Chabrol:
"" As for his 1957 book, how they divided the work between Chabrol and you?
-Chabrol wrote about the English period and the first American films, I, on the latest American films from Rope (rope / Festin diabolical, 1948) to The Wrong Man (The Wrong Man / The Wrong Man, 1956). In my opinion, this little book is missing a single text, I wrote about Vertigo (Vertigo, 1958), "The propeller and the idea," published in Cahiers du Cinéma in March 1959, which would be as accurate conclusion of my admiration for Hitchcock. I would then that, from now on, new editions of this book ends with the text, but has not been in the original version. "
" The propeller and the idea "is an impassioned speech published in No. 93 the journal Cahiers du Cinema in March 1959 from the Hitchcock film 45th, Vertigo (1958), and finally included in the reprint of 2010 as the epilogue of an essential work of Hitchcock and copyright policy. Rohmer
also refers in the interview of the prologue, the distribution of trials both authors on the 44 early Hitchcock films covered in the book. Thus, Chabrol wrote the whole period British and American first Hitchcock Films, and Rohmer would focus on the period from La Soga (Rope, 1948), to Wrong Man (The Wrong Man, 1956) with the inclusion of the epilogue on Vertigo.

Revisited, therefore, to Hitchcock in its British and American stage, with our choice and timely screening of two of the most admired films by Chabrol and Rohmer, The Lady Vanishes and Vertigo from the essential published essays in "Hitchcock." Thus, from the division announced in its preface, with the projection of Vanishes (The Lady Vanishes, 1938) critical we honor the particular version of Claude Chabrol on the early master of suspense had much influence in his role as director. In turn, the projection of Vertigo (Vertigo, 1958) " offer our unique tribute to Rohmer's work as an essayist, from his speech " the propeller and the idea, "and epilogue end of the first half of the cycle.

El inigualable maestro del suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, por primera vez en La Filmoteca
Ya en la segunda mitad de ciclo y mes, rendimos homenaje al propio cine realizado por Chabrol y Rohmer , con dos de las películas más aclamadas en sus filmografías: La mujer infiel (La femme infidèle, 1969) de Claude Chabrol, incluida en su mejor etapa junto al productor André Génovès, y El rayo verde (Le rayon vert, 1986) de Éric Rohmer, incluida en su colección de “Proverbios y Comedias”. A two-point sampling of the most prolific film career and authentic French cinema. Filmographies progressively differentiated in time, but united by the same umbilical cord and copyright policy of the French New Wave they founded together with other filmmakers such as Jean-Luc Godard, Jacques Rivette, François Truffaut or own.

Claude Chabrol and Eric Rohmer, two icons of French cinema, honored in February in Film

The final idea is a joint tribute to the missing French masters in 2010 and Film Policy author who helped fuel from his youth, through his criticism and passionate films. And again, a fitting tribute to Alfred Hitchcock, for the first time in The Film.
A cycle that reminds us of the importance of "read" film for proper digestion, art, history and culture.

film was never so free as the hands and eyes of Claude Chabrol and Eric Rohmer, always united in its way by a thin line of dots to his master ... Alfred Hitchcock.

Promotional Trailer


Day February 7, "The Lady Vanishes (The Lady Vanishes) by Alfred Hitchcock, 1938, UK

One of the best British films of Alfred Hitchcock with The 39 Steps (The thirty-nine steps, 1935) . Contains many of the future elements of suspense and intrigue so characteristic of the American stage by the master of suspense. Good dose of mystery and humor English, in a story between magic and skepticism Freudian fashion in the 30, as a summary of Hitchcock's British stage and as a statement of principles for further work. All This justifies the choice of this film, the penultimate of the 23 that make up the bulk of his films in the UK, as shows the talent of Alfred Hitchcock to intoxicate all viewers under a blanket of hypnotic art of film, due to his long background and experience, and even before he went to the United States.

Day February 14, "Vertigo (Vertigo)" Alfred Hitchcock, 1958, United States

transcendental love beyond death and time. Romantic and mysterious to a fault in each of their flat Vertigo (from the dead) describes the obsession of a man for a woman and the death of his admired style of the nineteenth century Romantic writers like Edgar Allan Poe. Obsessive-compulsive disorder to the emptiness and tragedy, a man in love with an idea, an image, or a woman, with a rate spiral into the unknown. Vertigo meets all Hitchcock's own obsessions about Freud's theories and psychoanalysis from the phobias of the protagonist, in a perfect portrait of the film classic romantic tragedy, where the shapes, light, color and music play a important role. One of the works
Alfred Hitchcock summits, and the history of cinema made in the USA. Considered by the AFI (American Film Institute) as the best American film of all time mystery.

Day February 21, "The unfaithful wife (La femme infidèle)" by Claude Chabrol, 1969, France

One of the best films of Claude Chabrol with The Butcher (Le Boucher, 1970) , from his time with producer André Genoa. Considered the French Hitchcock, Chabrol and nobody understood the mysteries of suspense Hitchcock acquired, away Call formula "Whodunit" ("Who done it?", "Who did it?") and adding elements such as the famous Hitchckonianos "McGuffin" most of his films. The unfaithful wife is one of the best examples of this influence, while keeping the unique style and refined to portray Chabrol more affluent society, adding many items purchased from its origins in the "Nouvelle vague" as core star its characteristic triangle "Charles-Hélène-Paul" . A key film in the extensive filmography of the late French filmmaker.

Day February 28, "The Green Ray (Le Rayon vert)" Eric Rohmer, 1986, France

The great French director, Eric Rohmer, one of a kind reached with The Green Ray one of their highest levels in the portrayal of emotions and feelings in social and intellectual maturity. With a light style, but very complete, Rohmer journal shows an emotional instability of his protagonist, Delphine, with depression and anxiety resulting from the isolation and causality. The Green Ray is a perfect example of the filmmaker's concerns French, who portrayed the feeling like no juvenile characters of all ages. The Green Ray is a young film, light, painting, simple, documentary, which superficial behind a mysterious essence of a personal crisis and its social alienation, with the fate, chance, idealism, whims and desires of Delphine. The Green Ray is included in the collection of "Comedies and Proverbs" Éric Rohmer, filmmaker whose loss has left us a filmography as unclassifiable as eternally young.

All screenings will be as usual in the Auditorium La Casa de Cultura de Sant Joan D'Alacant (Alicante) at 20:00 pm with free admission VOS Before the screening program will offer a hand with opinions and criticism of the organizers and a short introductory talk by them.
hope you like it.

A Claude Chabrol and Eric Rohmer,
Forever young and free, authors ...

Javier Ballesteros


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